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Ambassador's Closing Remarks Before

The Committee on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination 2

I reiterate the words of our newly elected president Dr. Pezeshkian that “Iran belongs to all Iranians” and we will improve it together. We" continue our efforts for better and further implementation of the convention and precise consideration of the concluding observations that will be issued by the committee" Ambassador Bahreini highlighted in his statement before ICERD Committee.



Closing Remarks


Ambassador Ali Bahreini

Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran

to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva


The Committee on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination

113th session

Consideration of the 20-27 report of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Geneva, 07 August 2024


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


H.E. Ms. SHEPHERD Verene Albertha, The Honorable Vice-Chair of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,

Honorable Members,


It is my pleasure to deliver the closing remarks on behalf of the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran during this session. I also express gratitude to the committee for providing us this opportunity for presenting our achievements and challenges in implementation of the Convention in our country.

 The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the two meeting of today and yesterday tried to inform the committee some of its latest laws, policies and approaches in combating any possible forms of racism, racial discrimination and hate speech.

 From the last meeting of this august committee with Iran, a consistent endeavor has taken place in all legislative and executive branches of our country to implement the provisions of the Convention as well as related concluding observations. During this period, Iran issued the Charter of Citizenship Rights, amended its Islamic Penal Code, considerably increased public awareness on the concept of ICERD by expanding human rights courses and increasing related media programs. During this period, our national institutions involved with convention and its contents more professionally, the participation of civil society became more substantive, and development plans crafted considering all people of the country. The growth of socio- economic indicators in this period reveals the existence of comprehensive development in all parts of our country without discrimination between one area over the others. Even, we positively considered the special needs and vulnerabilities of our border cities and eastern and western provinces that have originated from their geopolitical locations.


Madam Chairperson,

As a nation under the discriminatory approaches emanating from UCMS, we put the issue of combating discrimination in the forefront of our policies and practices. Unilateral Coercive Measures have imposed a great push back on our development projects. We praise the attention of the committee and its members to this phenomenon. I reiterate the words of our newly elected president Dr. Pezeshkian that “Iran belongs to all Iranians” and we will improve it together. We continue our efforts for better and further implementation of the convention and precise consideration of the concluding observations that will be issued by the committee.

 We thank the chair of the meeting, Madam SHEPHERD Verene Albertha for her professional leadership of the meetings, the country rapporteur Mr. BALCERZAK Michal and other members of the committee for their participation in the dialogue.


Madam Chairperson,

This session of the committee is held when the world is in a crucial moment. The world is now witnessing the result of discrimination against Palestinians which lead to the violation of their basic rights. We call all UN human rights mechanisms to closely monitor this dire situation and take appropriate measure to prevent it and bring justice to Palestinian people. We have a collective responsibility to put an end to the brutal atrocities perpetrating by apartheid Israel.

 In conclusion, I would like to reiterate our unwavering commitment to the principles enshrined in the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of racial Discrimination. We also attach great value the constructive dialogue provided by the Committee, and we are eager to continue our collaboration in the future.


I thank you.


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