29 March 2025
2025/01/24 - 17:22 View: 159

Statement by H.E. Mr. Ali BAHREINI before 48th Session of the UPR Working Group





Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva


 48th Session of the UPR Working Group

Geneva, 24th Junary 2024


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Mr. Vice President,

Distinguished colleagues,

In my capacity as the representative of the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Geneva, I have the honor to introduce the Iranian delegation to the 48 session of the UPR working group. The composition of our delegation that includes high level representatives from legislative, judiciary and executive powers, confirms once again the unwavering support of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the protection and promotion of Human Rights through a universal, nondiscriminatory and constructive mechanism. In this context, we consider UPR as a valuable instrument that allows each of us on an equal footage, to receive comments, questions and recommendations from other countries with a view to ameliorate our national performances in Promotion and protection of human rights and also, provides an opportunity for the countries to speak out of their challenges ahead.  In this regard, we would like to thank in advance all the delegations who will intervene, we will take into consideration with interest and respect the advices, suggestions and recommendations. 

Mr. President

For the sake of time, I immediately give the floor to his excellency honorable Mr. Gharibabadi Deputy minister of foreign affairs in legal and international affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran to present his introductory remarks. 

Thank you.



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