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Ambassador's Opening Remarks Before

The Committee on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination

Ambassador Ali Bahreini in his opening remarks before the113th session of the The Committee on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD): Unilateral Coercive Measures as a discriminatory element based on the nationality of individuals and countries have so far caused extensive damages to all walks of life of the Iranian people especially on hampering the advancement of development projects further investment on infrastructures and fulfillment of our welfare related pledges.


Opening Remarks


Ambassador Ali Bahreini

Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran

to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva


The Committee on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination

113th session

Consideration of the 20-27 report of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Geneva, 07 August 2024


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


H.E. Ms. SHEPHERD Verene Albertha, the Honorable Vice-Chair of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,

Honorable Members,

At the outset, on behalf of myself and the members of the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran participating in the 113th  meeting of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, I would like to thank you and thank the other members of the Committee for holding this meeting. I would also like to underscore the readiness of my delegation to participate in the dialogue on our combined 20th to 27th periodic report submitted under article 9 of the ICERD.

 The Islamic Republic of Iran views this dialogue as an interactive process leading to further understanding between Iran and the committee. In implementing the provisions of the said Convention, Iran firmly indicates its respect to treaty bodies whose methodologies are based on mutual respect for promotion and protection of human rights.

 The delegation accompanying me in this meeting consists of the honorable representatives of the Judiciary, Parliament, President's Deputy for Women and Family Affairs, ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Labor, Education, Culture and Islamic Guidance.


Madam Vice- Cahir,

 With an internal and historical perspective, Iran has long been the place of residence and growth of different ethnic communities and groups with diverse cultures. Iran is historically made by different ethnic communities and permanently belongs to all of them as a unified in diversity. None of these ethnic communities are minor and all of them have played a major role in construction of Iran. According to article 19 and 20 of our constitution, the people of Iran enjoy equal rights, regardless of the tribe or ethnic group to which they belong. Color, race, language, and other such considerations shall not be grounds for special privileges; and, “Members of the nation, whether man or woman, are equally protected by the law”. The importance of the concepts enshrined in the convention in our religion and culture was the main rationale behind Iran accession to this Convention in 1968. Regarding the significant importance of justice and supporting the oppressed in our religion, the soul and text of the convention is current in our national law and practices.


With an international perspective, the Islamic Republic of Iran, attaches great importance to the World Conference against Racism held in 2001 in Durban, South Africa and its Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA) and its following mechanism. We believe that this Conference established a UN’s blueprint to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance globally. Moreover, the DDPA embodied the firm commitment of the international community to tackle racism and conducted a strong moral value as a basis for advocacy efforts worldwide.


Madam Vice- Cahir,

 Iran has undertaken numerous efforts for implementing the provisions and recommendations related to the convention and considerable actions have been taken to increase the public awareness in this regard. In spite of our national determination in this path, Unilateral Coercive Measures, as a discriminatory element based on the nationality of individuals and countries, have so far caused extensive damages to all walks of life of the Iranian people, especially on hampering the advancement of development projects, further investment on infrastructures, and fulfillment of our welfare related pledges. In many cases, the impacts of the Unilateral Coercive Measures have amounted to crimes against humanity against Iranian people; even patients with special conditions such as diabetic, butterfly disease (EB), and thalassemia haven’t been immune from the consequences and over-compliance with them. The negative impacts of UCMs have been acknowledged by UN officials, including the Secretary General of this very organization and the Special Rapporteur on the Negative Impacts of the Unilateral Coercive Measures on the enjoyment of human rights.

Further to the burden of UCMs, Iran hosts millions of foreign refugees and displaced persons, mostly from neighboring country Afghanistan. Such hosting that consumes a lot of our national resources is neither duly considered nor such burden is responsibly shared by international community.


Madam Chairperson,

 The 20th to 27th national report of the Islamic Republic of Iran deals with the latest legislative and executive developments and achievements related to the elimination of racial discrimination in accordance with the provisions 1 to 7 of the Convention. The report includes topics such as legal, judicial and administrative frameworks and standards in countering discrimination, supporting disadvantaged and less developed areas, support measures to empower women and ensuring non-discrimination in enjoyment of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights. In the process of preparing and compiling the periodic report, we benefited the valuable participation and contribution from the respected representatives of the relevant official ministries and institutions as well as civil society. The participation and contributions made by non-governmental organizations in this process, added to the richness of the report.

  During the time slot that this report applies to, Iran has experienced 3 administrations with different political backgrounds but the same purpose of comprehensive development of Iran as a whole and eradicating poverty and discrimination in all quarters of our mother land. During this period, three time bounded Development National Plan have been accomplished and a lot of pre-crafted development projects have implemented. Although all endeavors and measures cannot be reflected in this meeting, however my delegation will try today and tomorrow to portray numbers of them for the committee members by answering to the questions or providing supplementary printed information.

 In conclusion, we would like to confirm that the Islamic Republic of Iran will strengthen its efforts to support promotion and protection of human rights. We look forward to a substantive, constructive and meaningful dialogue with the members of this august committee.

 I Thank You.


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