29 March 2025
2025/01/21 - 17:16 View: 89

Statement By Ms. Somayyeh Karimdoost Before 48th Session of the UPR Working Group - Review of Bolivia (Plurinational State of)




Ms. Somayyeh Karimdoost

Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran


48th Session of the UPR Working Group

Review of Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 

Geneva, 21 January 2025


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


Mr. President,

The Islamic Republic of Iran warmly welcomes the high level delegation from Plurinational State of Bolivia headed by Minister of Justice and thanks for the report.

Iran acknowledges Bolivia’s significant progress in human rights since its last universal periodic review in spite of severe difficulties imposed by Unilateral Coercive Measures that have reduced the State’s ability to secure the financial resources, goods and services required to cover and fully satisfy its people’s principal needs.

In the spirit of constructive cooperation, Iran recommends Bolivia to:

  1. Continue Its efforts to increase international awareness on the negative impacts of UCM on the State capability to protect and promote human rights;
  2. Exert utmost efforts for realization of right to development;
  3. Continue efforts to promote equal opportunities in access to employment, remuneration, and equal treatment in the workplace for women and men.

Iran wishes Bolivia very success during the UPR review.

I thank you.



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