26 March 2025
2024/05/25 - 20:35 View: 316

Working Paper to the Work of the Conference on Disarmament during Iran's Presidency

Working Paper on the Dual-Track Approach to the Work of the Conference on Disarmament Submitted by the President of the Conference on Disarmament H.E Ali BAHREINI Ambassador and the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva

Ambasador Ali Bahraini, Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, submitted Working Paper on the Dual-Track Approach to the Work of the Conference on Disarmament during Iran's Presidency which is registered ans symboled as CD/WP.655 dated 20 May 2024. 

During its presidency, Iran held two panels on critical disarmament issues icluding “Relationship Between Disarmament and Development” and "The Zones Free of nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction."

In accordance with Rule 9 of the Rules of Procedure, the Islamic Republic of Iran took over the Presidency of the Conference on Disarmament, as the only international negotiating body on disarmament, for a four-working-week period finished at 24 May 2024.

The submitted Working Paper on the Dual-Track Approach to the Work of the Conference on Disarmament is available here. 


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