26 March 2025
2024/03/17 - 17:31 View: 437

Examining the Inauthentic Non-legal and Political Report of the So-called Fact Finding Mission on Iran

The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran has published its comments examining the report of the Human Rights Councils Fact Finding Mission on Iran. These comments have been submitted to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights dated March 14 2024.

 The so-called Fact-finding Mission published an undocumented, biased and politically-motivated report that sorely lacking in any justified legal basis, drafted in an unprofessional manner and based on unverifiable allegations, and which is deeply in line with the political goals of some western countries. Unfortunately, in the era of acting responsibly and recognition of accountability, when the people are getting more and more hopeful of promoting and protecting human rights, the politicization of human rights by some western countries has reached its peak, and such countries developed a morbid habit of employing self-fabricated political and human rights mechanisms to conceal their goals and aspirations under their reports. The natural concomitant of this process is the sacrifice of human rights and the disappointment of the world's people in international human rights mechanisms and arrangements.
The Islamic Republic of Iran's comments on the FFMs report are accessible here as an attachment.


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