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Ambassadors Statement During NPT Preparatory Committee on

Nuclear Disarmament

Ambassador Bahreini highlighted in his statement during Cluster Debate on “Nuclear Disarmament” of the 2nd session of the NPT Preparatory Committee in 2024: NATO’s nuclear-weapon states with western allies assistance are shifting the NPT review focus from disarmament to risk reduction maintaining the status quo and the new nuclear arms race. This non-compliance crisis is worsened by the double standards regarding the Israeli regimes nuclear weapons which threaten regional security and beyond. All States Parties must prohibit nuclear cooperation with the Israeli regime that must join the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon party and accept comprehensive IAEA safeguards.



Ambassador Ali Bahreini

Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran

to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva


The NPT Preparatory Committee

Second Session

Agenda item: Cluster Debate on “Nuclear Disarmament”


Geneva, 25 July 2024


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


Mr. Chair,

My delegation aligns with the statement delivered by Indonesia on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Under Article VI of the NPT, the nuclear-weapon States have a legal obligation to achieve nuclear disarmament by negotiating in good faith. Despite this obligation and commitments made in the past Review Conferences, these States have not fulfilled their nuclear disarmament responsibilities.

The nuclear-weapon States, particularly the major possessors, have the primary responsibility for nuclear disarmament. Their political will and actions greatly influence the Treaty’s success in achieving disarmament. Under Action 1 of the 2010 action plan, the nuclear-weapon States have committed to pursue policies that are fully compatible with achieving a world without nuclear weapons. However, the actions and policies of the Western nuclear weapon states, namely, the US, UK, and France, are totally in the opposite direction.

The US's 2022 Nuclear Posture Review highlights the indefinite retention of nuclear weapons, permits first use under various pretexts, and continues nuclear sharing arrangements with NATO members. The US is building and modernizing its arsenal and developing new types of low-yield nuclear weapons, which increases the likelihood of their use. This policy weakens the NPT and violates Article VI obligations and the commitments from the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences.

Iran condemns the recent Intercontinental Ballistic Missile tests by the US, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, as clear breaches of the Treaty.

The UK's “Integrated Review Policy” on nuclear weapons also violates Article VI obligations and commitments from previous Review Conferences. The UK is increasing its nuclear stockpile by up to 44 percent (moving to an overall nuclear weapon stockpile of 260 warheads), strengthening the role of nuclear weapons in its military doctrine, and lacks transparency about its arsenal. This policy undermines the NPT and international security. We call on the UK to renounce its nuclear weapons program and fulfill its obligations.

France is modernizing and expanding its nuclear arsenal and delivery systems, violating its obligation to nuclear disarmament. France's policy emphasizes the value of nuclear weapons, extends its nuclear umbrella to European countries, and allows first use even against non-nuclear threats. Iran condemns France's recent missile tests capable of carrying nuclear weapons and calls for an end to this malicious policy.

Most of the Nuclear-weapon States not only fail to comply with their disarmament obligations but also engage in nuclear-sharing arrangements and test new delivery systems. This has led to new States hosting nuclear weapons and others willing to do so in times of war. Iran calls on the US and host countries like Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and others to stop and refrain from such policies and actions and to begin to fully comply with their commitments under Articles 1 and 2 of the Treaty.

Achieving nuclear disarmament and a world free of nuclear weapons is a Common but Differentiated Responsibility of all States Parties, especially the nuclear-weapon States. Their failure to negotiate in good faith on disarmament measures breaches their legal obligations and undermines trust in the Treaty.

NATO’s nuclear-weapon states, with western allies' assistance, are shifting the NPT review focus from disarmament to risk reduction, maintaining the status quo and the new nuclear arms race. This non-compliance crisis is worsened by the double standards regarding the Israeli regime's nuclear weapons, which threaten regional security and beyond. All States Parties must prohibit nuclear cooperation with the Israeli regime that must join the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon party and accept comprehensive IAEA safeguards.

Mr. Chair,

The NPT is based on a balance between disarmament, non-proliferation, and peaceful use. This balance must be preserved by fully implementing Article VI obligations. The international community must remain vigilant in achieving nuclear disarmament. All States must uphold their legal obligations and work towards eliminating nuclear weapons.

However, given the current stalemate in implementing nuclear disarmament obligations, and in line with action 5 of the 2010 action plan on nuclear disarmament, the 2026 Review Conference should make concrete decisions on disarmament to prevent further erosion of the Treaty's credibility. The Non-Aligned Movement’s proposal for negotiations on a comprehensive convention on nuclear weapons provides a path to achieving a world free from nuclear threats.

Finally, my delegation has submitted a working paper detailing our views on this agenda item. I encourage all delegations to consider our proposals.

Thank you.


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