7 March 2025
2024/01/02 - 16:48 View: 539

Note Verbal on the Anniversary of the Iranian General Ghasem Soleimani's Assassination

The Islamic Republic of Iran has adopted a number of legal measures from the very beginning based on the principle of "combating the impunity of criminals" to hold such individuals and entities accountable before the law and will continue on this path until the reprisal is taken, remedy is attained, and justice is completely served. Several countries, and more than a hundred persons were involved in this crime. US as the main perpetrator and Germany as provider of the base for the US drones to facilitate the attack, in particular, shall be held accountable for this terrorist act.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful




The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva presents its compliments to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and pursuant to communications No. .2050/1446875 dated 29 December 2022, No. 2050/1037118 dated 12 January 2022, No. 2050/326500 dated 14 January 2020, No. 2050/621424 dated 27 November 2020, No. 2050/630156 dated 15 December 2020, No. 2050/640282 dated 17 December 2020 and No. 2050/649668 dated 30 December 2020, on the assassination of the Iranian high-ranking official General Ghasem Soleimani and his four companions on 3 January 2020 during an official visit to the Republic of Iraq by the United States government and its culprits and with reference to the report  of Ms. Agnès Callamard, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, No A/HRC/44/38 dated 15 August 2020 on Use of armed drones for targeted killings, in which she has recognized the assassination of General Soleimani as the violation of three categories of law, including international law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, has the honor to state the followings for the consideration of  the latter in addition to all Special Procedures Mandate Holders and Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva


General Soleimani, played a key role in fighting against terrorism, particularly in eliminating the atrocious DAESH and to help establish peace and stability at the regional and international levels. Despite this role and position, the US government, in a criminal act that violates the basic rules and principles of international law and international human rights law, assassinated Martyr General Soleimani. The illegal and wrongful act by then US officials to publicly assassinate an internationally recognized Counter Terrorism Hero and a human rights defender confirms the hypocrisy and double standard approach by the US. This criminal act which was a serious violation of human rights, including the right to life, was orchestrated and carried out in an organized manner. Under international law, the US government bears "definitive international responsibility" for this crime and international wrongful act.


The Islamic Republic of Iran has adopted a number of legal measures from the very beginning based on the principle of "combating the impunity of criminals" to hold such individuals and entities accountable before the law and will continue on this path until the reprisal is taken, remedy is attained, and justice is completely served. Several countries, and more than a hundred persons were involved in this crime. US as the main perpetrator and Germany as provider of the base for the US drones to facilitate the attack, in particular, shall be held accountable for this terrorist act.


Furthermore, the persistent impunity granted to US and Israeli individuals engaging in targeted killings has emboldened terrorists and fueled additional acts of terror, mainly in our region. In the most recent incident, a terrorist attack perpetrated by the US-backed Israeli regime resulted in the assassination of General Seyed Razi Mousavi, a senior Iranian military advisor, on 25 December 2023, outside any armed conflict in Damascus, Syria. Additionally, two other Iranian military advisors fell victim to targeted killings orchestrated by the Israeli regime on 2 December 2023, among others. It is evident that the pattern of State terrorism will persist unless relevant international organizations take effective actions to hold terrorist Israeli regime and its sponsors accountable. Failure to do so will not only endanger Iranian officials but will expose other nations to these reprehensible crimes alongside the atrocities that are going on in Gaza. The position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this regard has been elucidated in the attached Note Verbale circulated as a document of the United Nations Security Council.


 The UN human rights mechanisms, including the special procedures, and in particular the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights are fairly expected to intervene effectively and to utilize any leverage at their disposal to speak out and take the lead in deploring the wicked assassination of General Soleimani and other Iranian victims of terrorism free from any selectivity and double standards and to bring the perpetrators of these criminals into justice.


It would be appreciated, if the Mission be informed of any efforts made by the Office or Special Procedures to address the concerns and expectations expressed in the previous and present communications.


The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights the assurances of its highest consideration.   




          Geneva, 29 December 2023             






Office of the United Nations

High Commissioner for Human Rights

Palais des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva 10

Email: registry@ohchr.org



All Special Procedures Mandate Holders,

Mr. Morris Tidball-Binz

Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary execution,


All Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva.




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