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The Statement by H.E. Dr. Kazem Gharibabadi Before the United Nations Human Rights Council
The so-called fact-finding mission has been formed owing to the lobbying as well as political wheeling and dealing of certain Western countries––and its’ report bore the unmistakable imprint of pressure exerted by these very countries.
The Statement by H.E. Dr. Kazem Gharibabadi The Vice-President of the Judiciary for International Affairs and the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran Before the United Nations Human Rights Council Geneva, 18 March 2024   In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful   Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, The so-called fact-finding mission has been formed owing to the lobbying as well as political wheeling and dealing of certain Western countries––and, its’ report bore the unmistakable imprint of pressure exerted by these very countries. At the forefront of this politically charged campaign lies the German government, ironically the very State that supplied Saddam’s regime with chemical weapons of mass destruction. The provision of such weapons resulted in the tragic martyrdom of over thirteen thousand Iranian lives and inflicted injuries upon more than one hundred thousand others.   Under the guise of mourning the loss of an Iranian citizen, certain countries purporting to uphold human rights, including the United States, Germany, England, France, and Canada, have assumed a veneer of humanitarianism. Through the establishment of a politically charged mechanism, they have positioned themselves as advocates for Iranian women and children. However, their endorsement and enforcement of cruel and unlawful unilateral sanctions have egregiously violated the rights of tens of millions of Iranians. Simultaneously, they have maintained a conspicuous silence in the face of the wanton massacre of over 103,000 innocent civilians and the utter devastation of hundreds of thousands of structures in the Gaza Strip by the occupying al-Quds regime. Regrettably, they have proven incapable of taking meaningful action in response.   Moreover, these very countries have extended support to terrorists responsible for the deaths of over 17 thousand innocent people, including women and children, in Iran. They have harbored these perpetrators within their own territories. Do these actions fall short of constituting crimes against humanity?!   Mr. President,   The available data, information, and evidence unequivocally indicate that, predating the riots that began in September 2022, Iran’s adversaries have long sought a pretext to foment crisis within the country. Swiftly following the news of the death of an Iranian citizen, they started their scheme by orchestrating a campaign and monopolizing the narrative by controlling the propaganda atmosphere. Regrettably, owing to its fundamental reliance on certain Western countries, the so-called fact-finding mission has been marred by a glaring lack of independence and impartiality. Consequently, the mission’s so-called report conspicuously omits any acknowledgment of the role played by other countries, foreign-based anti-Iranian media outlets, social networks, and terrorist groups in instigating and perpetuating the riots. Despite the wealth of documentation provided to human rights mechanisms through numerous reports, these crucial factors remain absent from the mission’s so-called findings.   This comes as the Special Committee tasked with investigating the 2022 riots––formed on May 7, 2023 by the order of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to meticulously and impartially examine, clarify, and redress any infringements upon citizens’ rights during the riots––submitted a report to the President twelve days ago.   The report reads––QUOTE: “The events witnessed in the Islamic Republic of Iran last year did NOT constitute peaceful gatherings, but rather evolved into orchestrated riots characterized by extensive injuries to law enforcement personnel, substantial damage to both private and public properties and facilities, organized acts of vandalism, and the overt intervention and support of certain foreign countries for rioters and their disruptive activities, which indicates that Iran has indeed faced full-scale riots.” ––UNQUOTE   Mr. President,   It is regrettable that despite branding itself as a fact-finding body, the mission in question deliberately turned a blind eye to the egregious violations suffered by 79 individuals and members of law enforcement forces who bravely defended the security of the country, losing their lives in the face of widespread violence perpetrated by the rioters. Furthermore, it disregarded the plight of over 7,000 law enforcement officers who sustained injuries, as well as the extensive financial losses exceeding 20000 Billion Rials inflicted upon public and private properties.   Conversely, despite claiming that it seeks to conduct a meticulous investigation to uncover the truth, the so-called fact-finding mission has revealed its true agenda through the publication of an undocumented and unprofessional report. The so-called fact-finding mission proved that it does NOT have any agenda but to obfuscate and distort the realities. Notably, the mission’s so-called report essentially legitimizes unsubstantiated allegations repeatedly propagated by anti-Iranian media outlets and platforms owned by certain Western governments. Indeed, the so-called report lacks any credible documentary sources, rendering it more akin to hearsay than a rigorous examination of the events.   Mr. President,   All this political charade comes despite the Islamic Republic of Iran having taken extensive measures to safeguard people’s rights based on its accountable approach during the 2022 riots. In its findings, the President-elected Special Committee has affirmed the accountability of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran during last year’s riots and announced––QUOTE: “The findings of the Special Committee’s investigation affirm that the pertinent government entities, such as law enforcement and security agencies, as well as the Judiciary, have demonstrated a responsible approach in addressing the events and issues appertaining to the 2022 riots. The issuance of prompt and decisive directives to law enforcement and security agencies, emphasizing the use of minimal force and exercising self-restraint, deployment of trained personnel, implementation of widespread amnesty for individuals implicated in the 2022 riots as per the Supreme Leader’s pardon decree, addressing public grievances regarding the conduct of some law enforcement members during the riots, holding accountable those responsible for negligence or misconduct, provision of financial compensation and Diya to the survivors and heirs of deceased individuals and martyrs, reimbursement of damages to affected individuals and employees, and compensation for property damages incurred by public and private entities, collectively exemplify the Islamic Republic of Iran’s demonstration of an accountable approach.”––UNQUOTE.   In light of the foregoing, the report of the so-called fact-finding mission lacks legal validity and standing and is therefore deemed invalid and rejected by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Formed by select Western countries and funded by their money, this so-called mission has resorted to disseminating an orchestrated series of distortions and falsehoods. NOT only has it been unable to divulge the truth, but it has deliberately inverted the very facts.
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