News Agency:StatementNews Agency:Humanitarian
75th Meeting of the UNHCR Standing Committee of the Ex-Com, 19 June, 2019 - Geneva
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Statement by H.E. Mr. Javad Amin-Mansour, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative The Islamic Republic of Iran 75th Meeting of the UNHCR Standing Committee of the Ex-Com 19 June, 2019 - Geneva   Mr. Chairman, My delegation would like to start with expressing its appreciation to UNHCR secretariat for providing us with the informative Note on International Protection and to take the opportunity to raise some observations in this regard. We understand the importance of refugee protections a principle for the international community. It guarantees the treatment of the refugees in a dignified and humanitarian manner, which they deserve. However, protection must be provided in a way that will be conducive to solution. In other words, protection is not an ultimate goal and should be completed with solutions. One cannot expect that the protection will last for a long time when solutions are not within reach.  Mr. Chairman, I have to touch upon some other threats to maintaining refugee protection. Inadequate Burdon-sharing and insufficient contribution of the international community hamper definitely the efforts of the host countries to maintain protection. In addition, the imposition of unilateral coercive measures, which run counter to the principles and rules of international law and international cooperation, undermine and affect adversely the capabilities of the hosting states to protect refugees. There is no doubt that natural disasters, like the flooding which occurred recently in my country, deteriorate the living conditions of all people and impose serious damages to the already-suffered refugees.  In spite of that, my Government, as in the past, is committed to continue extending support to the refugees in the areas of education, health and livelihoods, based on ethical and cultural values as well as international commitments. However, under such hard conditions the Government cannot guarantee sufficient and sustained protection for all Iranian people and refugees alike. And, thus, the responsibility of inadequate protection rests with those who impose sanction, not the host country. We expect the international community in general, and the UNHCR in particular, to take serious measures and develop concrete projects, aimed at helping the Government to maintain protection and to facilitate voluntary return of refugees. As has been announced earlier, the best solution for Afghan refugees in the Islamic Republic of Iran is "voluntary return to their country" to which the Strategic Solution for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) refers. However, the figures showing voluntary return of Afghan refugees from Iran, as the most important indicator for measuring the fruitfulness of cooperation in the last year is a source of despair. As we announced recently during the Quadripartite meeting of the Strategic Solution for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) in Islamabad, we expect the Afghanistan Government, the international community, and the UNHCR to focus on actions and projects that are consistent with the title of the Strategic Solution for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) and in line with voluntary repatriation to and sustained reintegration of Afghan refugees in Afghanistan. Easing pressures on host countries is one of the main objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees, which must be translated into action. We are of the view that cases of violence and insecurity, which might occur in any country, should not be used as a pretext for discouraging return to the country of origin. In Afghanistan, there is fortunately a legal and elected government, ruling the country. So, talking about persecution in this country as the main reason for granting refugee status seems to be meaningless. Mr. Chairman, Now I would like to refer to several phrases of the documents: In page 6 of the “Note on International Protection”, reference has been made to the conduct of headcount exercise and issuance of temporary documentation to 850,000 undocumented Afghans. As we reiterated in the previous meeting of Standing Committee, this issue is within prerogative of the host country and is beyond the mandate of UNHCR to report. With respect to the points mentioned in pages 7 and 8 of the “Solutions” document on the expansion of the UNHCR's partnership with institutions and development partners, like World Bank regarding refugees, my delegation would like to raise this question that what kinds of measures the UNHCR is considering to be taken for the benefit of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the two main hosting countries of Afghan refugees, in this framework?            Thank You
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