7 March 2025
2024/07/31 - 23:56 View: 199
Visit:199 2024/07/31 - 23:56
On The Assassination of Martyred Ismail Haniyeh

The NPT Preparatory Committee

The recent assassination and targeted killing of a prominent Palestinian political leader Ismail Haniyeh by the Israeli regime is an outrageous violation of Intl. law and the UN Charter.







Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran

to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva


The NPT Preparatory Committee

Second Session


Geneva, 31 July 2024



بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


Mr. Chairman,

 For more than seven decades, the Israeli brutal policies and practices have continued to violate the fundamental rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. Gross violations of international law, particularly, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, ethnic cleansing and enforced displacement committed by the occupying military apartheid regime demonstrates an absolutely unleashed nature of this regime in committing atrocities in an unprecedented manner.

The recent assassination and targeted killing of a prominent Palestinian political leader Ismail Haniyeh by the Israeli regime is an outrageous violation of Int'l. law and the UN Charter. The failure of the international community to compel this regime to abide by international law, to put an end to its illegal occupation and the brutalities against the Palestinian people, is the main reason that we are still at this stage today and that innocent lives continue to be lost as a result of such a failure, which provides this regime a green light to continue to perpetrate its crimes including terror and assassination of the Palestinians without any repercussions. 

Mr. Chairman

 Remaining the Nuclear weapon in the hand of such a terrorist regime is a grave threat to the regional and international security, which has rejected, violated and ignored all international regimes on weapons of mass destruction, and remains non-adherence to the NPT and other international disarmament instruments. The international community must hold the Israeli regime accountable for its nuclear weapon program and force it to join the NPT and place all its nuclear facilities under the IAEA safeguards.


I thank you. 


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