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Statement by H. E. Mr. Ali BAHREINI before the COP14 of the RAMSAR CONVENTION, 7 November, 2022 – Geneva




  1. H. E. Mr. Ali BAHREINI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of

The Islamic Republic of Iran



 (7 November, 2022 – Geneva)

In the name of God, the compassionate the Merciful 

Mr. President,

At the outset, allow me to express my appreciation to the secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands for arrangements and preparations made, for convening this Conference of Parties (COP14) and my delegation appreciation goes to Government of Switzerland and China for hosting such important event in Geneva and Wuhan.   

Fourteen Conference of Parties to the Ramsar Convention (COP14) takes place in a critical time when the world is more than ever facing with challenges mostly originated from Climate change. Climate change is real challenges to preserving environment and to reduce its adverse consequences on any aspects of human life, including wetlands, enhanced international cooperation and collaboration is required. Wetlands as a part of every ecosystem were severely affected by climate change and it is in urgent need of consideration and planning to improve the sustainable management and utilization of wetlands.

Mr. President,

          Wetlands are vital for human being. Wetlands provide many important services to the environment and to the public. They offer critical habitat for fish, waterfowl and other wildlife, they purify polluted waters, and they help to reduce the destructive power of floods and storms. They also provide a wide variety of recreational opportunities such as fishing, hunting, photography, and wildlife observation. As these and many other wetlands functions and values, they have become more widely known and, wetlands are increasingly seen as productive and valuable resources worthy of protection and restoration.

            Unfortunately, the climate change, pursuant by drought and pollution and decrease in rainfall really threaten the livelihood of Wetlands. Experts and environmentalists have always emphasized the protection and restoration of wetlands as well as the wise exploitation of these invaluable natural areas.


Mr. President,

          The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance is the first intergovernmental modern treaty aimed at conserving natural resources. The signing ceremony of the Convention on Wetlands took place in 1971 at Ramsar a well know city in north part of Iran. Since then, the Convention on Wetlands has been known as the Ramsar Convention. The Ramsar Convention's broad aims are to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve, through wise use and management, those that remain. This requires international cooperation, policy making, capacity building and technology transfer.


Mr. President,

            The Islamic Republic of Iran is facing significant and complex challenges in maintaining the health of its wetlands and ensuring that they can continue to provide essential benefits to its citizens. Nevertheless, during the recent years Iran has taken considerable actions at national and provincial levels to protect and sustainably use its wetlands.

            Iran developed integrated management plans based on "ecosystem approach" for conservation and sustainable use of not only those wetlands designated within its territory as "Wetlands of International Importance" but also for some of its other wetlands. The government in collaboration with stakeholders including local communities has developed such plans for 34 wetlands in the country.

            The above-mentioned plans consist of a set of priority activities that promote protection and wise use of wetlands and restoration of degraded wetlands. They are informed by a robust strategy for managing land, water and biological diversity in an integrated manner. Some of the most successful aspects of conservation and sustainable use of the wetlands in Iran are as follows:

⁕ Setting up a national headquarter under the First Vice-President for better coordination of conservation and sustainable use of the country's wetlands.

⁕ Mainstreaming the conservation, restoration and management of the wetlands in decision-making for different sectors,

⁕ Ratifying the "Law of Conservation, Restoration and Management of the Country's Wetlands" by the parliament in 2017,

⁕ Applying sustainable agriculture techniques and sustainable livelihood practices in more than hundred pilot villages,

⁕ Encouraging private sector to apply guidance and principles in its activities and investments concerning wetlands,

⁕ Launching and developing a National Wetland Geo-portal for monitoring some wetlands of the country.

            It is worth mentioning that in May 2022, two Iranian cities of Bandar Khamir and Varzaneh along with other 23 cities of the world were accredited as Wetland Cities. These cities have been accepted in recognition of their exceptional efforts to safeguard urban wetlands for people and nature.

I thank you






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