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2019/09/30 - 14:26 View: 237
Visit:237 2019/09/30 - 14:26
59th Session of WIPO General Assembly

WIPO General Debate

General Assembly of the WIPO held general debate from 30 September to 9 October 2019 in Geneva

Statement by

H.E. Mr. Zabihollah Khodaeian

Deputy of the Judiciary and the Head of State Organization for

Registration of Deeds and Properties

 Islamic Republic of Iran

59th Session of WIPO General Assembly

30 September – 9 October 2019

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Mr. Chairman,

We are pleased to see you again chairing over the WIPO General Assembly. We also would like to congratulate the upcoming chair and the vice chairs for their deserving election. Furthermore, we feel obliged to express our appreciation for the steadfast efforts by WIPO Director General and the Secretariat in the course of the past year.

Mr. Chairman,

In a constantly evolving global economy, intellectual property is quickly becoming the keystone for strengthening the socio-economic development and for stimulating innovation, creativity and technological advancement. In such a world where problems are becoming increasingly global, multilateralism and international cooperation is a must in the framework of international organizations.

Islamic Republic of Iran, based on its needs and developmental considerations, has developed a legislative, administrative and judicial system to strengthen respect for intellectual property rights according to its international obligations, while utilizing the flexibilities provided in the international regime to address national challenges.

Despite inhuman unilateral coercive measures imposed on Iranian nation in the form of economic and financial sanctions- truly qualified as economic terrorism-, we have managed to continue our sustainable development including in the field of intellectual property. Constant improvement of Iran in Global Innovation Index ranking with remarkable jump of 59 places since 2014 along with continued enhancement in statistics published by WIPO are strong indications of our collective resolve to overcome unlawful and inhuman restrictions imposed on Iran through diversifying our economy and by expanding innovative and knowledge based economy.

Mr. Chairman,

On the issue of WIPO External Offices, we would like to recall that Iran is one of the applicant countries to host a WIPO EO in its national capacity. We invite all member States to give due consideration to our proposal. We are of the view that decision in this regard shall be made in full conformity with the Guiding Principle. We take this opportunity to reiterate the value and importance of long-standing tradition of consensus as the only decision making mechanism in WIPO.

Mr. Chairman,

On the issue of DLT, we are aware of the lack of agreement among member States on disclosure requirement. However, we would like to remind that there is no way to narrow down the differences other than dialogue and negotiation. Therefore, we invite all member States to engage in meaningful discussions with a view to resolving this long standing issue and paving the way for convening Dip Con to adopt DLT.

            Concerning IGC, we welcome the recommendation made by the Committee and consensus reached on the renewal of the mandate, terms of the mandate and work program of the Committee. Bearing in mind the progress made in text based negotiations on all 3 draft instruments for protection of GRs, TK and TCEs; we do hope that Committee conclude its discussion by finalizing agreement on all 3 drafts at the end of the new mandate.   

Turning to the issue of broadcasting treaty, we take note of the recommendation made to the GA by SCCR and express our readiness to continue consultation aiming at reaching consensus on the fundamental issues.

To conclude, Mr. Chairman, we look forward to constructive and result-oriented discussions in this session of the WIPO General Assembly. Let me assure you that in the relentless pursuit of dialogue and multilateralism, Iran will always be a steadfast partner.


 Thank you.


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