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Iran' s Statement on the Participation of the Holy See as a non-member Participant CD Plenary Meeting Geneva
Iran supports and welcomes the participation of the Holy See in the 2024 work of the Conference which holds the status of a “non-member observer state” in the UN system just like the State of Palestine.
Intervention  By Mr. Mahdi ALIABADI On the Participation of the Holy See as a non-member Participant  CD Plenary Meeting Geneva, February 7, 2024   Thank you Mr. President, Iran supports and welcomes the participation of the Holy See in the 2024 work of the Conference which holds the status of a “non-member observer state” in the UN system, just like the State of Palestine. However, I just took the floor to recall that the observer ship of the State of Palestine, a state that enjoys the same status in the UN and is also a full-fledged member state of the biological weapons convention (BWC) and Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), was rejected by some members through resorting to some false arguments. Last week, Iran and many other delegates, including the G-21, criticized politicization and exercising double standards on the issue. This week, once again, we witnessed another aspect of double standards by delegations who preach to others inclusivity and multilateralism. I thank you!  
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