News Agency:Statement
The Human Rights Council - 52nd Session-item 6: Adoption of the final outcomes of the reviews of South Africa
Statement   By   Mr. Hamid Ahmadi Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran   Before The Human Rights Council   52nd Session Agenda item 6: Adoption of the final outcomes of the reviews of South Africa   Geneva, 28 March 2023 بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Mr. Vice. President,            The Islamic Republic of Iran warmly welcomes the distinguished delegation of South Africa to this meeting and its constructive engagement with the UPR process;               Acceptance of larg number of recommendations including our recomendatuons proved detemeination of South Africa in the field of promotion and protection of human rights;               Iran commends the government of South Africa for its valuable achievements in the field of human rights  in particular for its all constant efforts for combating racism and racial discrimination in national, regional and international levels;              We hope that the implementation of the recommendations accepted by South Africa can contribute to promotion and protection of human rights in the Country;              We recommend the Council to adopt the UPR Outcomes Report of South Africa by consensus and wish the Government of South Africa every success in UPR process.   I thank you Mr. Vice. President,  
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