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2024/02/11 - 20:05 View: 3055
Visit:3055 2024/02/11 - 20:05
Ambassador's Statement on the Occasion of

National Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The statemen delivered by Ambassador Ali Bahreini Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva on the occasion of the Iranian National Day is as follows:



Ambassador Ali Bahreini

Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran

To the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva

On the occasion of the Iranian National Day

11 February 2024


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


Excellencies: Dear Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives,

Dear directors, experts and staffers of the UNOG and other international organizations,

Dear colleagues and friends,

Dear fellow Iranians,

Honoured guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Good evening and Welcome to this reception on the occasion of the Islamic Republic of Iran's National Day.


Tonight, we mark the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Republic after a popular revolution in Iran in 1979.


Thank you for joining us.


My dear guests,


The true spirit of the Islamic Revolution was to fulfill the aspirations of our nation for social justice, democracy and the rule of law. It was also a demonstration of their longstanding desire for independence. 


Faced with many formidable challenges from the early days of the Revolution, the Islamic Republic has managed to succeed through resilience, endurance and determination, ever since.


The Iranian nation is proud of the huge achievements it has made despite all the odds. During the past 45 years, Iran’s Human Development Index (HDI) has constantly improved thanks to the State's social justice and poverty reduction policies and multi-year development programmes. The Islamic Republic of Iran has built and further expanded key infrastructure and basic services such as road & transportation, electricity, affordable energy (particularly natural gas network), clean water, health & education, telecommunication & internet service etc., deep into rural and less developed areas. As the result, today most Iranians have full access to basic services and infrastructure while the overall population has more than doubled, the demography has dramatically changed and most of the country has been urbanized. The literacy rate has grown significantly, especially among girls and women. Women have grasped the opportunity to grow at all levels of higher education as female students have for more than a decade outnumbered their male counterparts at universities. 


The Islamic Republic of Iran has made great achievements in science, technology and innovation, as well, ranging from health and medicine to nanotechnology, from nuclear technology for peaceful purposes to stem cells, and from defense to deterrence. 


The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to advocate and work for peace and stability in the region on the basis of its principled and responsible stance that entails dialogue and cooperation among the countries of the region. 


As the Iranian nation celebrates the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Republic, it gives us a sense of confidence in what we have done so far and a motivation to keep going toward a brighter future.


I thank you all for being with us on this occasion, tonight.

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