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Intervention by the Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran - The Humanitarian Task Force of the ISSG




Dr. Seyed Mohammad Sadati Nejad

Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran


The Humanitarian Task Force of the ISSG

(International Syria Support Group)

12 January 2023

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

  Madam Chair,

While turning the page for the year 2022 and entering the new year, we witness that conditionality of humanitarian aids to political solution, lack of serious will and commitment to improve the humanitarian situation in Syria and the continuation of unilateral coercive measures against the Syrian people yet exist. This confirms that international community did not achieve tangible results to find a durable solution toward ending humanitarian crisis in Syria.

While welcoming the adoption of the new resolution 2672, we believe that imbalance implementation of the resolution 2642 and the lack of serious commitment to abide by implementation of the early recovery projects and increasing Cross Line Aid delivery, are harmful for the whole humanitarian structure in Syria. If the same problems continue, it will jeopardize the credibility of the Security Council and undermine the new resolution.

Iran has always provided the Syrian people with humanitarian aids including through provision of fuel, while we ourselves have been under unjust unilateral coercive measures and the policy of maximum pressure. We support using all means and channels to help the Syrian people in addressing their humanitarian needs. However, Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity are also of utmost importance. Ending occupation, terrorism in all its forms, unilateral sanctions and aggression against Syria and full implementation of the new resolution 2672 would be the only way to positively address the current humanitarian crisis in Syria.

We hope the extension of the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing, will provide the opportunity to improve the humanitarian situation and eliminate the current and past shortcomings of humanitarian aid mechanism. This will be only possible through a full and effective implementation of the new resolution in the next coming months.

Madam Chair,

Restriction in electricity access, has serious negative implications on humanitarian emergency services in hospitals and in food and water supply in Syria.  As Madam Douhan, the Special Rapporteur on the UCMs warned in her report in November 2022, there is another challenge in Syria regarding the rehabilitation and development of water distribution networks for drinking and irrigation which is due to the unavailability of equipment and spare parts. This has created serious public health and food security impacts for the Syrian people.

Syria's humanitarian needs are at its highest rate comparing to the beginning of the crisis in 2011. Syrians are now struggling with severe winter situation and cholera outbreak. Supporting the initial recovery projects will be one of the fundamental pillars for improving the humanitarian situation in Syria and reducing dependence on humanitarian aid. The international community shall pursue all ways and means to provide maximum humanitarian aid to the Syrians through the safest and more direct and efficient routes.

It is hypocrisy to talk about the importance of humanitarian needs of Syrians but at the same time continue unprecedented, immoral and inhumane unilateral sanctions against the Syrian peoples which is violating their human rights and will not help solving the political and humanitarian crisis in Syria.

Madam Chair,

We strongly condemn continuation of Israeli regime`s attacks against airport and other civilian targets in Syria which have serious negative impacts on humanitarian situation in Syria. We call up on all to deplore these attacks.

Finally, my delegation would like to repeat the request to establish a continuous reporting procedure on the negative impacts of unilateral coercive measures on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

I thank you.

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